Chemical suit type 1a according to the EN743 standard

Types 1 and 2 (ventilated or not) are “diving suits” types and are particularly suitable for classified sites with high chemical risks.

Type 1a corresponds to ventilated or non-ventilated chemical gas-tight protection against liquid chemicals, liquid aerosols and solid particles with the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) worn inside the suit for maximum protection.
Chemical suit available in 5 sizes

With the self-contained breathing apparatus worn inside the chemical suit for maximum protection, the CPS 6900 gas-tight suit guarantees high wearing comfort, even during difficult tasks in hazardous areas.

Its ergonomic cut and the five available sizes allow a high adaptability degree for 1.50 m to 2.05 m heights. In addition, the significantly lighter and softer material makes the equipment is ideally suited to allow great movement freedom.
Dredger chemical suit CPS 6900 technical specifications
The purpose of chemical protective clothing and equipment is to shield or isolate individuals from the chemical, physical, and biological hazards that may be encountered during hazardous materials operations.
The purpose of chemical protective clothing and equipment is to shield or isolate individuals from the chemical, physical, and biological hazards that may be encountered during hazardous materials operations. During chemical operations, it is not always apparent when exposure occurs. Many chemicals pose invisible hazards and offer no warning properties.

These guidelines describe the various types of clothing that are appropriate for use in various chemical operations, and provides recommendations in their selection and use. Protective clothing is used mainly to prevent exposure of activities. These hazards can be grouped into categories such as chemical, thermal, nuclear, radiation (X-rays, UV) and biological hazards.



The approach in selecting personal protective clothing must encompass an “ensemble” of clothing and equipment items which are easily integrated to provide both an appropriate level of protection and still allow one to carry out activities involving chemicals. In many cases, simple protective clothing by itself may be sufficient to prevent chemical exposure, such as wearing gloves in combination with a splash apron and face shield (or safety goggles).

  1. The following is a checklist of components that may form the chemical protective ensemble:

  1. Chemical Hazards.
    Chemicals present a variety of hazards such as toxicity, corrosives, flammability, reactivity, and oxygen deficiency. Depending on the chemicals present, any combination of hazards may exist.
  2. Physical Environment.
    Chemical exposure can happen anywhere: in industrial settings, on the highways, or in residential areas. It may occur either indoors or outdoors; the environment may be extremely hot, cold, or moderate; the exposure site may be relatively uncluttered or rugged, presenting a number of physical hazards; chemical handling activities may involve entering confined spaces, heavy lifting, climbing a ladder, or crawling on the ground. The choice of ensemble components must account for these conditions.
  3. Duration of Exposure.
    The protective qualities of ensemble components may be limited to certain exposure levels (e.g. material chemical resistance, air supply). The decision for ensemble use time must be made assuming the worst case exposure so that safety margins can be applied to increase the protection available to the worker.
  4. Protective Clothing or Equipment Available.
    Hopefully, an array of different clothing or equipment is available to workers to meet all intended applications. Reliance on one particular clothing or equipment item may severely limit a facility’s ability to handle a broad range of chemical exposures. In its acquisition of equipment and clothing, the safety department or other responsible authority should attempt to provide a high degree of flexibility while choosing protective clothing and equipment that is easily integrated and provides protection against each conceivable hazard.

Heart Rate

Count the radial pulse during a 30-second period as early as possible in any rest period. If the heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute at the beginning of the rest period, the next work cycle should be shortened by one-third.

Oral Temperature

Do not permit an end user to wear protective clothing and engage in work when his or her oral temperature exceeds 100.

Use a clinical thermometer (three minutes under the tongue) or similar device to measure oral temperature at the end of the work period (before drinking), as follows:
Body Water Loss

Measure the end user’s weight on a scale accurate to plus or minus 0.25 pounds prior to any response activity. Compare this weight with his or her normal body weight to determine if enough fluids have been consumed to prevent dehydration. Weights should be taken while the end user wears similar clothing, or ideally, in the nude. The body water loss should not exceed 1.5% of the total body weight loss from a response.


Extensive research is going on in this area of protective clothing especially in protective clothing against pesticides. Several workers have studied effect of water repellent finishes. Statistical models have been developed to predict pesticide penetration through woven as well as non-woven chemical protective clothing.
Fabric characteristics such as fibre content, fabric construction, type of fabric and type of finishing can affect the barrier properties of protective clothing. It has been studied that pesticide absorption by finished fabric is less than unfinished fabric.

The effect of layered clothing on penetration of pesticides was studied. It has been observed that single layers of heavy weight denim acted as a trap allowing little pesticide to pass through, while the thinner fabrics were easily penetrated. In the two layer fabrics, penetration was reduced by the presence of the second layer of fabric, while the air permeability remained unchanged.

Other works are being conducted to examine different materials and finishes for their barrier effectiveness against commonly used pesticides.


Barker, R.L. and Coletta, G.C. 1986. performance of protective clothing. American Society for testing materials: Philadelphia.
Forger, K. and Keith, L.H. 1989. Chennai protective clothing performance index.
Book. John Wiley & sons: New York
Forger, K. and mansard, S.Z. 1989, quick selection guide to chemical protective clothing. Van no strand-Reinhold: New York
Clothing must be stored properly to prevent damage or malfunction from exposure to dust, moisture, sunlight, damaging chemicals, extreme temperatures and impact. Procedures are needed for both initial receipt of equipment and after use or exposure of that equipment. Many manufacturers specify recommended procedures for storing their products. These should be followed to avoid equipment failure resulting from improper storage.
Some guidelines for general storage of chemical protective clothing include:

� Potentially contaminated clothing should be stored in an area separate from street clothing or unused protective clothing.
� Potentially contaminated clothing should be stored in a well-ventilated area, with good air flow around each item, if possible.
� Different types and materials of clothing and gloves should be stored separately to prevent issuing the wrong material by mistake (e.g. many glove materials are black and cannot be identified by appearance alone).
� Protective clothing should be folded or hung in accordance with manufacturer instructions.


Manufacturers frequently restrict the sale of certain protective suit parts to individuals or groups who are specially trained, equipped, or authorized by the manufacturer to purchase them. Explicit procedures should be adopted to ensure that the appropriate level of maintenance is performed only by those individuals who have this specialized training and equipment. In no case should you attempt to repair equipment without checking with the person in your facility who is responsible for chemical protective clothing maintenance.

The following classification scheme is recommended to divide the types of permissible or non permissible repairs:

� Level 1: User or wearer maintenance, requiring a few common tools or no tools at all.
� Level 2: Maintenance that can be performed by the response team’s maintenance shop, if adequately equipped and trained.
� Level 3 : Specialized maintenance that can be performed only by the factory or an authorized repair person.

Each facility should adopt the above scheme and list which repairs fall into each category for each type of protective clothing and equipment. Many manufacturers will also indicate which repairs, if performed in the field, void the warranty of their products. All repairs made must be recorded on the records for the specific clothing along with appropriate inspection results.

Heat Stress. Wearing full body chemical protective clothing puts the wearer at considerable risk of developing heat stress. This can result in health effects ranging from transient heat fatigue to serious illness or death. Heat stress is caused by a number of interacting factors, including:

Environmental conditions;
Type of protective ensemble worn
The work activity required; and
The individual characteristics of the responder.

When selecting chemical protective clothing and equipment, each item’s benefit should be carefully evaluated for its potential for increasing the risk of heat stress. For example, if a lighter, less insulating suit can be worn without a sacrifice in protection, then it should be. Because the incidence of heat stress depends on a variety of factors, all workers wearing full body chemical protective ensembles should be monitored.
Vapor protective suit Pressure-demand, full-face Inner chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant safety boots, two-way radio communication

OPTIONAL: Cooling system, outer gloves, hard hat

Protection Provided: Highest available level of respiratory, skin, and eye protection from solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals.

Used When: The chemical(s) have been identified and have high level of hazards to respiratory system, skin and eyes. Substances are present with known or suspected skin toxicity or carcinogenicity. Operations must be conducted in confined or poorly ventilated areas.

Limitations: Protective clothing must resist permeation by the chemical or mixtures present. Ensemble items must allow integration without loss of performance.

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