Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect ourselves, staff and the general public.

Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our lives.

Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.

The fire alarm system may also incorporate a remote signal system which could then alert the fire brigade via a central station.

So what is a fire alarm system, or fire detection system? In this article, we will have a look at the structure and types of the “Fire Alarm Systems”.

The “Brain” of the fire detector system is the Fire Alarm Control Panel. It is the central hub for all of the detector signals to be wired to and provides a status indication to the users.

The unit can also be set up to simulate an alarm for use in routine Fire and evacuation drills, so all staff knows what action to take in the event of a real fire.

Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect ourselves, staff and the general public.

Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our lives.

Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.

The fire alarm system may also incorporate a remote signal system which could then alert the fire brigade via a central station.

So what is a fire alarm system, or fire detection system? In this article, we will have a look at the structure and types of the “Fire Alarm Systems”.

The “Brain” of the fire detector system is the Fire Alarm Control Panel. It is the central hub for all of the detector signals to be wired to and provides a status indication to the users.

The unit can also be set up to simulate an alarm for use in routine Fire and evacuation drills, so all staff knows what action to take in the event of a real fire.

. Heat Detectors

Heat detector can either work on a fixed temperature basis, where it will trigger an alarm if the temperature exceeds a pre-set value or they can work on the rate of change in temperature.

Commonly Heat detectors work in a similar way to an electrical fuse, the detectors contain a eutectic alloy which is heat sensitive when a certain temperature is reached the alloy turns from a solid to a liquid which in turn triggers the alarm

Ionization Smoke Detector

Ionization Smoke detector generally contains two chambers. The first is used as a reference to compensate for changes in ambient temperature, humidity or pressure.

The second chamber contains a radioactive source, usually alpha particle, which ionizes the air passing through the chamber where a current flows between two electrodes.

When smoke enters the chamber the current flow decreases. This drop in current flow is used to initiate an alarm.

2. Light Scattering Smoke Detector

The light scattering smoke detector operates on the Tyndall effect; a photocell and light source are separated from each other by a darkened chamber such that the light source does not fall on the photocell.

The passage of smoke into the chamber causes the light from the source to be scattered and fall on the photocell. The photocell output is being used to initiate an

3. Light Obscuring Smoke Detector

In the Light obscuring smoke detector, smoke interferes with a light beam between a light source and photocell. The photocell measures the amount of light it receives.

The variation in photocell output, is being used to initiate an alarm.

This type of fire detection equipment can be used to protect large areas with the light source and photocell positioned some distance apart

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are known also as CO fire detectors are electronic detectors used to indicate the outbreak of fire by sensing the level of carbon monoxide in the air.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produced by combustion.

In this instance, these detectors are not the same as Carbon monoxide detectors used in the home for protecting residents against carbon monoxide produced by incomplete combustion in appliances such as gas fires or boilers.

Carbon Monoxide fire detectors use the same as those in the home but are more sensitive and respond more quickly.

Carbon monoxide detectors have an electrochemical cell, which senses carbon monoxide, but not smoke or any other combustion

4. Multi-Sensor Detectors

The Multi-sensor detectors combine inputs from both optical and heat sensors and process them using a sophisticated algorithm built into the detector circuitry.

When polled by the control panel the detector returns a value based on the combined responses from both the optical and heat sensors. They are designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires.

Manual Call Points

A Manual Call Point or Break Glass Call Point is a device which enables personnel to raise the alarm by breaking the frangible element on the fascia; this then triggers the alarm.

Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

In a Conventional Fire Alarm System, physical cabling is used to interconnect several call points and detectors, the signals from which are wired back to the main control unit.

Call points and detectors are arranged in “Zones” to simplify locating the cause of the alarm, this is important for both the fire brigade and general building management.

Each zone is indicated at the Fire Alarm Control Panel either with an indicator lamp, a text display or in some cases both.

It makes sense that the more we can divide a building into zones, the more accurate locating the alarm trigger will be.

he Control Panel is wired to a minimum of two sounder circuits which could contain bells, electronic sounders or other audible fire alarm devices.

It is these devices which sound the alarm when triggered

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

The detection principle of an Addressable System is the same as a Conventional System except that each detector is given a set Address (usually by means of a dip-switch) and the Control Panel can then determine exactly which detector or call point has initiated the alarm.

Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect ourselves, staff and the general public.

Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our lives.

Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.

The fire alarm system may also incorporate a remote signal system which could then alert the fire brigade via a central station.

So what is a fire alarm system, or fire detection system? In this article, we will have a look at the structure and types of the “Fire Alarm Systems”.

The “Brain” of the fire detector system is the Fire Alarm Control Panel. It is the central hub for all of the detector signals to be wired to and provides a status indication to the users.

The unit can also be set up to simulate an alarm for use in routine Fire and evacuation drills, so all staff knows what action to take in the event of a real fire.

Different Types of Fire Alarm Detectors 

At the core of a fire alarm system are the detection devices, from sophisticated intelligent smoke detectors to simple manually operated break glass units, there are a wide array of different types, but we can divide them into groups including:

– Heat detectors

– Smoke detectors

– Carbon Monoxide detectors

– Multi-sensor detectors

– Manual Call Points

1. Heat Detectors

Heat detector can either work on a fixed temperature basis, where it will trigger an alarm if the temperature exceeds a pre-set value or they can work on the rate of change in temperature.

Commonly Heat detectors work in a similar way to an electrical fuse, the detectors contain a eutectic alloy which is heat sensitive when a certain temperature is reached the alloy turns from a solid to a liquid which in turn triggers the alarm.

2. Smoke Detectors

There are three basic types of smoke detectors including:

– Ionization

– Light Scattering

– Light Obscuring

2.1. Ionization Smoke Detector

Ionization Smoke detector generally contains two chambers. The first is used as a reference to compensate for changes in ambient temperature, humidity or pressure.

The second chamber contains a radioactive source, usually alpha particle, which ionizes the air passing through the chamber where a current flows between two electrodes.

When smoke enters the chamber the current flow decreases. This drop in current flow is used to initiate an alarm.

2.2. Light Scattering Smoke Detector

The light scattering smoke detector operates on the Tyndall effect; a photocell and light source are separated from each other by a darkened chamber such that the light source does not fall on the photocell.

The passage of smoke into the chamber causes the light from the source to be scattered and fall on the photocell. The photocell output is being used to initiate an alarm.

2.3. Light Obscuring Smoke Detector

In the Light obscuring smoke detector, smoke interferes with a light beam between a light source and photocell. The photocell measures the amount of light it receives.

The variation in photocell output, is being used to initiate an alarm.

This type of fire detection equipment can be used to protect large areas with the light source and photocell positioned some distance apart.

3. Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are known also as CO fire detectors are electronic detectors used to indicate the outbreak of fire by sensing the level of carbon monoxide in the air.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produced by combustion.

In this instance, these detectors are not the same as Carbon monoxide detectors used in the home for protecting residents against carbon monoxide produced by incomplete combustion in appliances such as gas fires or boilers.

Carbon Monoxide fire detectors use the same type of sensor as those in the home but are more sensitive and respond more quickly.

Carbon monoxide detectors have an electrochemical cell, which senses carbon monoxide, but not smoke or any other combustion products

4. Multi-Sensor Detectors

The Multi-sensor detectors combine inputs from both optical and heat sensors and process them using a sophisticated algorithm built into the detector circuitry.

When polled by the control panel the detector returns a value based on the combined responses from both the optical and heat sensors. They are designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires.

5. Manual Call Points

A Manual Call Point or Break Glass Call Point is a device which enables personnel to raise the alarm by breaking the frangible element on the fascia; this then triggers the alarm.

Different Types of Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Alarm Systems can be broken down into four main types;

– Conventional

– Addressable

– Intelligent

– Wireless

Let’s spend some time considering each.

1. Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

In a Conventional Fire Alarm System, physical cabling is used to interconnect several call points and detectors, the signals from which are wired back to the main control unit.

Call points and detectors are arranged in “Zones” to simplify locating the cause of the alarm, this is important for both the fire brigade and general building management.

Each zone is indicated at the Fire Alarm Control Panel either with an indicator lamp, a text display or in some cases both.

It makes sense that the more we can divide a building into zones, the more accurate locating the alarm trigger will be.

The Control Panel is wired to a minimum of two sounder circuits which could contain bells, electronic sounders or other audible fire alarm devices.

It is these devices which sound the alarm when triggered.

2. Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

The detection principle of an Addressable System is the same as a Conventional System except that each detector is given a set Address (usually by means of a dip-switch) and the Control Panel can then determine exactly which detector or call point has initiated the alarm.

The detection circuit is wired as a loop and up to 99 devices may be connected to each loop.

It is common for the loop to be fitted with Loop Isolation Modules so that the loop is sectioned in order to ensure that a short circuit or single fault will only cause the loss of a small part of the system; allowing the rest of the system to function normally.

Wireless Fire Alarm Systems

The final type of system we will consider is the Wireless Fire Alarm System.

These are an effective alternative to traditional wired fire alarm systems for all applications. They utilize secure, license-free radio communications to interconnect the sensors and devices with the controllers.

It is a simple concept, which provides many unique benefits and is a full intelligent fire detection system without the need for cabling.

In this article, we have learned that Fire Alarm systems are fitted in many buildings we encounter every day and that they are used to warn people within the building of an emergency fire-related situation.

e hope you enjoyed this short introduction to Fire Alarm Systems.

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re detection systems are designed to discover fires early in their development when time will still be available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection also plays a significant role in protecting the safety of emergency response personnel. Property loss can be reduced and downtime for the operation minimized through early detection because control efforts are started while the fire is still small. Most alarm systems provide information to emergency responders on the location of the fire, speeding the process of fire control.

To be useful, detectors must be coupled with alarms. Alarm systems provide notice to at least the building occupants and usually transmit a signal to a staffed monitoring station either on or off site. In some cases, alarms may go directly to the fire department, although in most locations this is no longer the typical approach.

These systems have numerous advantages as discussed above. The one major limitation is that they do nothing to contain or control the fire. Suppression systems such as automatic sprinklers act to control the fire. They also provide notification that they are operating, so they can fill the role of a heat detection-based system if connected to notification appliances throughout the building. They will not, however, operate as quickly as a smoke detection system. This is why facilities where rapid notice is essential, even when equipped with sprinklers, still need detection and alarm systems.

The most basic alarm system does not include detection. It has manual pull stations and sounds only a local alarm. This level of system is not what is typically used; it relies on an occupant to discover the fire, which can cause a significant delay. The more quickly you want to be notified of the fire, the more costly the system you must install. Speed of detection is expensive. The slowest system to detect a fire is a heat detector, which is also the least expensive. An air-aspirating smoke detection system provides the most rapid indication of fire, but these systems are five to 10 times as expensive.

Fire Alarm System Overview

A fire alarm is a unit made of several devices, which uses visual and audio signalization to warn people about a possible fire, smoke, or carbon monoxide occurrence in the area of coverage. Fire alarms are usually set in fire alarm systems to provide zonal coverage for residences and commercial buildings. The warning signal is either a loud siren/bell or a flashing light, or it can include both. Some fire alarm systems use additional warnings, such as sending a voice message or making a phone call.

Depending on the functionality and the integrated components, there are several classifications of fire alarm systems.

  1. Automatic fire alarm systems are activated through fire detectors, such as smoke or heat sensors. Manual fire alarms are activated with manual call points or pull stations. There is no reason for a fire alarm system to exclude one or the other. Both can be included in the same system.
  2. Conventional fire alarms work as one unit and cannot pinpoint the exact area of activation unless inspected. Addressable fire alarms have a specially dedicated address for each fire alarm detector that is connected to the control panel, for easier identification of the source of the danger.
  3. One-stage fire alarm systems warn everyone in the building that a sensor has been activated. Two-stage fire alarm systems warn only certain people who are authorized to take appropriate action before the second stage. This system is designed to serve large public areas (for example, healthcare facilities) to prevent panic and inadequate frightful response.

To determine the most suitable fire alarm system, start by identifying your specific needs. Think about how many detectors need to install in your building. Go for a fire alarm system that is compatible with your current security system. Shop around for equipment that fits within your budget without sacrificing quality. Work closely with the vendor of the fire alarm system to correctly install the fire alarm system and properly integrate it with your existing monitoring and security system.

Give preference to systems that include additional features—such as a hush button, voice alarm and backup battery—to improved usability. If you’re unsure about whether a specific feature of a fire alarm system serves your specific, contact the support of one or more vendors.

It’s also a good idea to contact the fire department and familiarize yourself with relevant fire codes and regulations. Make sure you compare the fire alarm systems offered by various vendors before you decide which one to buy.

Read online reviews from current and previous customers to get a sense of the quality and reliability of the fire alarm systems you are considering. You can also add to your short list of vendors by getting recommendations from friends, family and colleagues who have a well-functioning fire alarm system.

How a Fire Alarm System Works

Contemporary fire alarm systems use automatic functions to detect the occurrence of an event that may result in a fire. They receive a signal from a fire sensor (smoke, heat or carbon monoxide detector) and automatically transmit it to the fire alarm panel.

In wireless systems, the signal from the detectors to the control panel is transmitted with radio frequency. Heat detectors usually have built-in thermistors to sense the heat. Carbon monoxide detectors use integrated chemical, electrochemical, opto-chemical or biomimetic cells to trace the gas. Smoke detectors use photoelectricity or ionization to detect smoke or combustion particles. Combined detectors use a number of detection mechanisms.

The fire alarm panel activates the flashers or the sounders, turns on sprinklers (or they can be activated along with the detector), or makes a call to the authorities or to the occupants. If the fire alarm system is addressable, the source of the occurrence will be pointed on the control panel. Users on separate floors or in connected buildings can be notified in several ways: by horns, gongs and loudspeaker messages advising appropriate action for each department.

How Fire Alarms Work with Access Control

Most building and office operators would agree that fire alarms are necessary, and, in fact, it would be extremely reckless to install an access control system that doesn’t meet all fire safety measures. It’s recommended to implement an access control system that fully integrates with fire alarms and any other safety sensors on the property.

For example, the Kisi Pro Controller does not have a built-in fire alarm relay for a couple of reasons:

1) It keeps down the cost of manufacturing the board and therefore, lowers the hardware cost for their clients.

2) In order to be compliant with building codes, the installer generally installs a backup power controller like this. Both the building’s fire alarm system and the Kisi Pro Controller are connected to the backup power controller. And the electric locks are also wired into the backup power controller.

So to paint a better picture, imagine this: A fire breaks out in the building, which triggers the fire alarm. The fire alarm will then trigger the backup power controller to unlock the doors for people to safely exit. And that’s it!

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