A fire blanket is a safety device designed to extinguish incipient (starting) fires. It consists of a sheet of a fire retardant material that is placed over a fire in order to smother it.

Small fire blankets, such as for use in kitchens and around the home are usually made of glass fiber and sometimes kevlar, and are folded into a quick-release contraption for ease of storage. Larger fire blankets, for use in laboratory and industrial situations, are often made of wool – sometimes treated with a flame retardant chemical such as hexafluorozirconate and zirconium acetate. These blankets are usually mounted in vertical quick-release container so that they can be easily pulled out and wrapped round a person whose clothes are on fire.

Fire blankets, along with fire extinguishers, are fire safety items that can be useful in case of a fire. These nonflammable materials are stable in temperatures up to 1300 °C for Nextel ceramic fibres,[2] 1200 °C for glass fibers,[3] Kevlar (480 °C),[4] and wool (570 °C).[5] These are useful in smothering fires by reducing the amount of oxygen available to the fire. Due to its simplicity, a fire blanket may be more helpful for someone who is inexperienced with extinguishers.
After initial investigation in 2013, and later in 2014, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority issued a statement that blankets should never be used to extinguish an oil/fat fire such as a chip pan fire, even if the icons or text on the indicates the may be used in such a case.[8][9][10] This includes fire blankets which have been tested according to BS EN 1869.[11] In the investigation out of the 22 tested fire blankets, 16 of the fire blankets themselves caught fire. In the other 6 the fire reignited when the blanket was removed after 17 minutes. The Dutch Fire Burn foundation reported[12] several accidents involving the use of fire blankets when extinguishing oil/fat fires. Consumers may send in their existing fire blankets, which will then receive a sticker stating ‘niet geschikt voor olie- en vetbranden’ (“not suitable for oil and grease fires”). New products will have this text printed, rather than stickered
For a fire to burn, all three elements of the fire triangle must be present: heat, fuel and oxygen. The fire is used to cut off the oxygen supply to the fire, thereby putting it out. The must be sealed closely to a solid surface around the fire. Fire blankets usually have two pull down tails visible from outside the packaging. The user should place one hand on each tag and pull down simultaneously removing the blanket from the bag. The tails are located near the top of the fire blanket which allows the top lip of the fire blanket to fold back over the users’ hands, protecting them from heat and direct contact burns. Cover the fire with the fire blanket, and it will help cut the oxygen supply and extinguish the fire. You can also use this method when a part of the body catches fire. The fire blanket must be sealed closely to a solid surface around the fire.
Electric vehicles fires

EV fires can be extremely difficult to extinguish as lithium batteries can self-reignite. “Up to 150 000 liters of water needed to put out a fire in an electric car …Teslas may take up to 30,000-40,000 gallons of water, maybe even more, to extinguish the battery pack once it starts burning…”[15] However, a typical larger fire truck carries only a few thousand liters of water.

The fire blanket are so large that a burning vehicle can be completely covered with it (typical size is e.g. 6 m x 9 m to cover large SUVs) – and are extremely heat-resistant (1000 to 1600+ degrees). Also one has to consider the difference between allowed short-term peak temperature and long-term temperature.[16]

By putting on a fire blanket, the flames are supposed to be smothered. In a fire test with the fire brigade, experts from the ADAC[17],the General German Automobile Club, were able to see how the fire blanket actually significantly delays the development of the fire and thus increases the fire brigade’s scope for action.

The use of the fire blanket can prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent vehicles or surrounding objects – which is of great importance in an underground car park, for example.

In addition, the removal of an electric vehicle that has been involved in an accident or has been extinguished can be secured with a fire blanket. Another field of application of the blanket is the quarantine of crashed electric cars at an accident site of towing companies or workshops.
The Fire Industry Association (FIA) publish a “Code of Practice for the Commissioning and Maintenance of Fire Blankets Manufactured to BS EN 1869”.[18] The FIA’s code of practice recommends that the responsible person ensures that such fire blankets are subject to annual maintenance by a competent service provider. It also recommends that consideration should be given to the replacement of fire blankets after seven years from the date of commissioning (or as otherwise specified by the fire blanket’s manufacturer).
What is a fire blanket?

A s a sheet of woven fire-resistant material designed to extinguish small fires. Fire blankets are usually made from woven fibreglass and work by smothering the fire and cutting off its oxygen supply. Fire blankets are stored in a wall-mounted case or pouch for quick access in a fire emergency.
What is a fire blanket used for?

Fire blankets are usually used for putting out small fires in or around the kitchen and are particularly useful for Class F fires involving cooking oils. They can also be used for waste bin fires and to extinguish clothing fires. Fire blankets are suitable for use in the home, commercial and public environments.
Where should you put a

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A Guide to Fire Blankets
A Guide to Fire Blankets
What is a fire blanket?

A fire blanket is a sheet of woven fire-resistant material designed to extinguish small fires. Fire blankets are usually made from woven fibreglass and work by smothering the fire and cutting off its oxygen supply. Fire blankets are stored in a wall-mounted case or pouch for quick access in a fire emergency.
What is a fire blanket used for?

Fire blankets are usually used for putting out small fires in or around the kitchen and are particularly useful for Class F fires involving cooking oils. They can also be used for waste bin fires and to extinguish clothing fires. Fire blankets are suitable for use in the home, commercial and public environments.

Where should you put a fire blanket?

Fire blankets should be located in or near a kitchen but not too close to the fire hazard, as a fire may prevent you accessing the fire blanket. They are best fixed to the wall in an easily identifiable location. Fire blankets should be installed as an additional precaution alongside an appropriate fire extinguisher.

Businesses and organisations should install fire blankets on a wall with the appropriate fire blanket signage.
Which fire blanket do I need?

There are 3 sizes of fire blanket (1 x 1m, 1.2 x 1.2m, 1.2 x 1.8m). You should consider the potential size of the fire as the fire blanket needs to cover the entire fire in order to smother and extinguish it. The smallest size may be more suited to baking tray or frying pan fires at home, whereas a larger size may be required for commercial kitchens, workshop or clothing fires.
How to use a fire blanket

Do fire blankets have to serviced?

In a business or public setting, fire blankets should be commissioned when they are first installed and serviced annually to check they are well maintained. The fire blanket should be visually inspected to make sure it is not damaged or worn and is clean. The blanket must be replaced in the container according to the manufacturers instructions in order that it can be swiftly deployed if needed.
How long do fire blankets last?

There is no set time that a fire blanket can be used for although it is usual to replace a fire blanket every 7 years from the date of purchase. You should refer to the manufacturers guidelines for when to replace the blanket. If the fire blanket is damaged or used to put out a fire it should be replaced immediately.
What are the British Standards for fire blankets?

Fire blankets should be tested to meet the current standard BS EN 1869:1997. Purchasing a fire blanket that is kitemarked with the British Standards Kitemark ensures that this standard is being met. Fire blankets that are just CE marked may not have been tested to the British Standards. All Safelincs fire blankets carry the British Standards Kitemark.
A fire blanket is a simple fire safety appliance designed to tackle small contained fires usually found in a kitchen.

A traditional fire blanket is constructed from a sheet of woven fire-resistant material and is stored in a wall mounted container. A standard blanket can withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees Celsius.
How Does A Fire Blanket Work?

The sheet is used to smother the flames, starve them of oxygen and extinguish the fire before it gets out of control.

Fire blankets are typically installed in kitchens; however, they are also used within educational, residential and industrial settings.

A simple grab and pull of the handles will allow the blanket to fall from the wall container and cover an operator’s hands, protecting them from burns. They can be safely deployed in the event of an emergency without any special training – although a potential user should familiarise themselves with the instructions on the container beforehand.
How To Use A Fire Blanket?

There are different techniques and processes to use depending on the nature of the fire.

 Turn off the heat source if it is safe to do so
 Pull the tapes to release the fire blanket from its box
 Hold the blanket in a shield position and, if possible, wrap the blanket around your hands for protection
 Place the fire blanket over the fire to smother the blaze
 Leave it to cool completely and ensure the fire is fully extinguished, with no chance of it reigniting

If the flames are larger than the blanket itself, do not attempt to put it out yourself. Instead head somewhere safe and call the fire service.
Additional Uses For A Fire Blanket

In addition to extinguishing small liquid and solid fires, a fire blanket can be used with a person whose clothing has ignited.

By placing them on the ground and wrapping them in the blanket, oxygen is excluded, and the flames diminished. Being in a horizontal position also prevents the flames from reaching the victim’s face and hair. This often proves a far safer and practical alternative to using a fire extinguisher.
Does A Fire Blanket Replace A Fire Extinguisher?

No. Fire extinguishers are still required and recommended. Whilst a fire blanket is a better way of tackling small contained pan fires, it does not remove the possibility of a larger or different class of fire occurring.

In these instances, a fire extinguisher of the correct class is still advised.

Our fire blankets are available in various sizes and are certified to British Standards.

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