Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher


Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Wet Chemical fire extinguishers contain a liquid extinguishing agent which is used to smother fires ignited from cooking oils and fats.

Knowing how and when to use your fire extinguisher is essential to ensuring safety in your office/household.

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Wet chemical fire extinguishers are highly recommended as a safety precaution within commercial kitchens where it is more common for a fire to ignite, involving cooking oils and fats.

 Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

When the fire extinguisher is used, the potassium sprays out in a fine mist which then reacts with the fats and oils in the fire (class F fire). This creates a soapy layer on the surface which smothers, cools and extinguishes the fire.

It is advised that Wet chemical fire extinguishers, foam extinguishers and water extinguishers should never be used on fires that involve electrical appliances and equipment (class E fire.)


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