Basic breathing apparatus will normally be available on the rig. However, this equipment may be limited in quantity.

Therefore, if a well test is to be carried out and H2S is ‘possible’ in the well, sufficient breathing apparatus sets must be made available for all personnel on the rig. This breathing apparatus should be self contained and allow at least 20 minutes usage without refilling air bottles.
For tests where H2S is ‘expected’ a full cascade air system should be installed in preference to the use of air bottles.

The use of breathing apparatus (particularly air bottles) to carry out normal well testing operations in an H2S contaminated environment is more physically taxing to workers. Therefore, regular rotation of test crew working in contaminated areas will be required.

Spare sets of breathing apparatus should always be maintained in a safe area close to the work sites to enable rapid change over in the event of an equipment failure.

Emergency escape air packs found on the rig should only be used for this purpose and not for normal working.

Further information on H2S is contained in s

ection 4.9. However, the advice of a specialist H2S contractor is recommended when planning a sour well test.
Oxygen Breathing Apparatus

Fixed and portable types of breathing apparatus are used. In brief, they contain an oxygen cylinder that is connected via a regulator to the mask. Personnel use them when working in an area that has a possibility of toxic gas release.

Portable breathing apparatus contain the following items:

In many movies (especially war movies) film actors and actresses have been shown wearing a breathing mask. Therefore breathing air apparatus (BA) is a fairly familiar instrument and a photo is not shown.
Access to each reservoir compartment is needed for personnel, plant and materials. Access openings are usually sized to allow entry by a person wearing breathing apparatus. Access openings for plant and materials should be larger. Upstands should be provided around each opening to prevent surface water entering the reservoir. Covers to all openings must be robust but they do not normally need to be designed to support heavy loadings. They must be secure to prevent unauthorized access and must not allow rainwater to enter the reservoir. Lift-off covers risk introduction of mud and debris into the reservoir; therefore hinged covers are preferred but they must have an effective system for holding them in the open position when the access is in use.

For personnel entry into the reservoir the preferred arrangement is an inclined ladder leading to a platform about 2.5 m below the roof and a stairway leading from the platform to the floor. Where a stairway height exceeds 3 m, an intermediate landing is required. Reinforced concrete construction is recommended for platforms and stairways as this needs less long-term maintenance. The platforms can either be supported on columns or, in some cases, cantilevered from the walls. Alternatively the platforms and stairways can be fabricated in galvanized steel or anodized aluminium alloy. The same material should be used for the ladder. Typically two separate human accesses should be provided into each compartment, near opposite corners to assist ventilation of the compartment when work is in progress and to provide an escape route in an emergency.

Access for plant and materials has to be unobstructed to allow items to be lowered vertically to the compartment floor. The clear opening needed for small plant and materials for normal maintenance should be not less than 1.5 m×1.0 m to allow a wheelbarrow to be lowered. Consideration should be given to the provision of removable handrailing around such openings, or of sockets into which it could be fitted. For reservoir compartments exceeding about 10 000 m3 a second and larger access for plant and materials should be considered if larger mechanical equipment might be needed for cleaning or major repairs. It is important to ensure that unauthorized vehicles cannot reach the roof or be used outside any specially strengthened areas of the roof.
Anyone entering a part of the sewerage network whether live or not will almost certainly be entering a potentially hazardous confined space. Therefore, entry to any part of a sewerage network should be controlled by a permit to work system.

Typically the permit to work should detail:

The Local Government Training Board have published a booklet ‘Safety in Sewers Training Manual’ which highlights the rules to be observed when entering sewer systems and explains some of the risks.
nhalation is the major route of human exposure to gaseous methyl bromide. Workers handling liquid methyl bromide can also have dermal contact either directly or through accidental spills or contaminated clothing. Personal protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus, may be required to minimize the exposure. Buffer zones that increase the distance between treatment sites and residential locations reduce the exposures of those who are nearby. Methyl bromide air concentration is measured by air sampling or estimated from air dispersion models.

Consumers of fumigated postharvest commodities may be exposed to methyl bromide and inorganic bromide. Maximum residue levels (MRLs, or ‘Tolerances’ in the United States) of inorganic bromide are established for more than 90 commodities. These are the highest concentrations allowable in or on the commodities. No MRLs or tolerances are established for methyl bromide, which has been detected in some treated commodities (e.g., nuts). At a given exposure concentration, children generally have higher overall body burden from all routes due to their higher intake (inhalation volume, amount of food intake) or contact on a per body weight basis
Contact with 4-nitrophenol should be protected by wearing butyl rubber gloves, boots, chemical protective clothing which is specifically recommended by the shipper or producer, a dust mask, organic vapor canister respirator, or in emergency situations, a self-contained breathing apparatus. If contact does occur, immediately flush affected skin or eyes with running water for at least 15 min, and remove and isolate contaminated clothing at the site. While 4-nitrophenol does not ignite easily, it can burn, emitting toxic oxides of nitrogen. Also, containers may explode in the heat of a fire. For small fires involving 4-nitrophenol, extinguish with dry chemical, CO2, Halon, water spray, or standard foam, and for large fires, use water spray, fog, or standard foam. Runoff from fire control water may give off poisonous gases or cause pollution, and should be controlled by diking, as necessary.
If there is an exposure to CX, moving immediately upward and toward an area where fresh air is available is an important protection since CX is heavier than air and settles down (Patocka and Kamil, 2011). Pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) could be helpful in situations of CX exposure. Although CX can attack butyl rubber gloves and boots, these are protective against field concentrations of CX. Since CX is absorbed very rapidly, skin and eye decontamination are needed immediately; hence, the timing of decontamination is very critical. CX reacts with tissues very rapidly and causes extreme pain and itching—if this occurs then decontamination will have no effect. All alkaline agents can be used for chemical inactivation. Chlorinated agents cannot be used for CX decontamination and water can only be used to flush the chemical from eyes. Clothing exposed to CX should be immediately removed and sealed in a bag to avoid any further exposure and contamination. Immediate and lifesaving care might be required within minutes following CX exposure at an emergency station. Long-term care, hospitalization, and lifesaving surgery can be required, and delay in this care can adversely affect the injury and survival outcomes.

There is no effective antidote available against CX-induced toxicity and any treatment is mostly helpful to reduce indications, prevent infections, and help healing. Systemic analgesics are a better option compared with topical anesthetics because use of the latter may increase the severity of corneal damage (Ubels et al., 1982). Dilution with water or milk could be helpful in oral exposures. For eye injury, washing with a large amount of water could be supportive, while for necrotic skin lesions, surgical intervention may be essential. Recovery depends on the extent of injury and could take several months (Patocka and Kamil, 2011). Reports indicate that mast cell activation and histamine release could be involved in CX-induced inflammation, toxicity, and urticaria (Hennino et al., 2006; Jain, 2014; Tewari-Singh et al., 2017). Employment of therapies that can ameliorate anaphylactic symptoms and counteract mast cell activation-related release of inflammatory mediators like histamine alone or in combination is a pioneering strategy for investigation to ameliorate CX-induced morbidity and mortality from its cutaneous exposure. Additionally, second-generation antihistamine with mast cell-stabilizing properties, analgesics, and antibiotics could be given to reduce pain, prevent infections, and promote healing.
Equipping the Emergency Response Team

In order to provide the proper equipment to the emergency response team, a complete review of the chemical and physical hazards and the function to be performed by the hazardous materials responder should be done. This review will allow the selection of the proper PPE and response equipment. OSHA, in 29 CFR 1910.120 Appendix A, describes four basic levels of protection for the hazardous materials emergency responder:

When selecting the type and manufacture of the PPE, the purchaser should understand the functions being preformed by the responder and the chemical and physical hazards associated with the operation. They must also know how the operation and chemical will effect the degradation of the suit, gloves, and boots and the tactility and dexterity needed by the responder. Especially when Levels A and B equipment is in use, it is important not to overlook nonchemical hazards, such as heat stress, cold stress, slip, trip and falls, moving equipment, and lifting.
e closed-circuit type, also known as a rebreather, operates by filtering, supplementing, and recirculating exhaled gas. It is used when a longer-duration supply of breathing gas is needed, such as in mine rescue and in long tunnels, and going through passages too narrow for a big open-circuit air cylinder. Before open-circuit SCBA’s were developed, most industrial breathing sets weresuch as the or An example of modern would be the
A person wearing an brand breathing mask with a hood. This face piece attaches with a regulator to form a full
packs carried on a rack in a firetruck
For underwater open-circuit breathing sets, see Scuba set § Types.

Open-circuit industrial breathing sets are filled with filtered, compressed air, rather than pure oxygen. Typical open-circuit systems have two regulators; a first stage to reduce the pressure of air to allow it to be carried to the mask, and a second stage regulator to reduce it even further to a level just above standard atmospheric pressure. This air is then fed to the mask via either a demand valve (activating only on inhalation) or a continuous positive pressure valve (providing constant airflow to the mask).[citation needed]

An open-circuit rescue or firefighter has a full face mask, regulator, air cylinder, cylinder pressure gauge, remote pressure gauge (sometimes with an integrated PASS device), and a harness with adjustable shoulder straps and waist belt which lets it be worn on the back. The air cylinder usually comes in one of three standard sizes: 4 liter, 6 liter, or 6.8 liter.[citation needed] The duration of the cylinder can be calculated with this formula: volume (in liters) × pressure (in bars) / 40 – 10 in minutes (the 10 is subtracted to provide a safety margin), so a 6-liter cylinder, of 300 bar, is 6 × 300 / 40 – 10 = 35 minutes working duration. The relative fitness, and especially the level of exertion of the wearer, often results in variations of the actual usable time that the can provide air, often reducing the working time by 25% to
pack with PASS device

Air cylinders are made of aluminum, steel, or of a composite construction (usually carbon-fiber wrapped.) The composite cylinders are the lightest in weight and are therefore preferred by fire departments (UK: fire and rescue services previously called fire brigades), but they also have the shortest lifespan and must be taken out of service after 15 years. Air cylinders must be hydro statically tested every 5 years.[citation needed][clarification needed] During extended operations, empty air cylinders can be quickly replaced with fresh ones and then refilled from larger tanks in a cascade storage system or from an air compressor brought to the scene.
Positive versus negative pressure

Open circuit use either “positive pressure” or “negative pressure” operation.

A negative pressure system relies on the internal pressure of the mask dropping to below the ambient pressure to activate flow. if the mask does not seal perfectly, some leakage of ambient gas into the mask will occur, which can be a problem with toxic or irritant smoke and fumes.

A positive pressure system slightly the interior of the mask and activates flow when the pressure difference is reduced, but still above ambient. If the mask leaks, there will be continuous flow to maintain the pressure, and no inward leakage is possible. With a good fit this is economical on gas and prevents contamination. If the mask falls off the regulator will continuously expend gas trying to raise the pressure, and may consume a significant amount of gas before it is corrected.

Although the performance of both types of may be similar under optimum conditions, this “fail safe” r makes a positive pressure preferable for most applications. As there is usually no air usage penalty in providing positive pressure, the older negative pressure type is, in most cases, an obsolete configuration and is only seen with older equipment. However some users refuse to use this technology as in case of a damage or loss of the face piece the air will be released uncontrolled. The leakage rate can be so high that a fully charged will be drained in less than three minutes,[citation needed] a problem that does not happen with negative pressure systems.
See also: Full face diving mask

The full face masks of breathing apparatus designed for use out of water are sometimes designed in a way that makes them unsuitable for scuba diving, although some may allow very shallow emergency submersion:

The mask can have a large viewport, or small eye lenses.[citation needed]

The mask might have a small original breathing mask inside, reducing breathing headspace.[citation needed]

The mask can also incorporate a two-way radio communicator.[citation needed]

Elastoplast masks linked to backpack air tanks: self-contained breathing apparatus, worn by firefighters advancing with a firehouse.

There are two major application areas for SCAB: firefighting and industrial use.[citation needed] A third use now coming into practice is medical; for example, the American National Institutes of Health prescribe use of Scabs for medical staff during treatment of Ebola.

For firefighting, the design emphasis is on heat and flame resistance above cost. Scabs designed for firefighting tend to be expensive because of the exotic materials used to provide the flame resistance, and to a lesser extent, to reduce the weight penalty on the firefighter. In addition, modern firefighting Scabs incorporate a PASS device (personal alert safety system) or an ADS (automatic distress signal unit) into their design. These units emit distinctive, high-pitched alarm tones to help locate firefighters in distress by automatically activating if movement is not sensed for a certain length of time (typically between 15 and 30 seconds), also allowing for manual activation should the need arise. In firefighting use, the layout of this breathing set should not interfere with ability to carry a rescued person over the firefighter’s shoulders.

The other major application is for industrial users of various types. Historically, mining was an important area, and in Europe this is still reflected by limitations on use in the construction of Scabs of metals that can cause sparks. Other important users are petrochemical, chemical, and nuclear industries. The design emphasis for industrial users depends on the precise application and extends from the bottom end which is cost critical, to the most severe environments where the SCAB is one part of an integrated protective environment which includes gas-tight suits for whole-body protection and ease of decontamination. Industrial users will often be supplied with air via an air line, and only carry compressed air for escape or decontamination purposes.
Temperature effect on pressure

The pressure gauge’s indicated gas pressure changes with ambient temperature. As temperature decreases, the pressure inside the cylinder decreases. The relationship between the temperature and the pressure of a gas is defined by the formula PV = nRT. (See Universal gas constant.) What is particularly important to understand from the formula is that the temperature is in Kelvins, not degrees Fahrenheit. Consider the freezing point of water at 32° F (0° C, 273.15° K) and compare it to 96° F (35.6° C or 308.71° K; normal human body temperature is 37° C). While 96 is arithmetically three times 32, the difference in temperature from a scientific point of view is not threefold. Instead of comparing 32° F to 96° F, temperatures of 273.15° K and 308.71° K should be compared.[3] The scientifically valid change in temperature from 32 to 96 °F (0 to 36 °C) is by a factor of 1.13 (308.71 K/273.15 K), not 3. If an air cylinder is pressurized to 4,500 psi at 96° F and later the temperature drops to 32° F, the pressure gauge will indicate 4,000 psi (4,500/1.13). Stated differently, a drop in temperature of 10° F (5.5° C) causes a pressure decrease of about Failure to accurately account for the effect of temperature on pressure readings can result in under filled air cylinders, which in turn could lead to a firefighter running out of air prematurely.
Volunteer fire fighter exiting live burn structure wearing NOSH-certified SCAB, NAPA compliant turn-out gear, and holding a pike pole

In the United States and Canada, Scabs used in firefighting must meet guidelines established by the National Fire Protection Association, NAPA Standard 1981. If an SCAB is labeled as “1981 NAPA compliant”, it is designed for firefighting. The current version of the standard was published in 2018.[4] These standards are revised every five years. Similarly, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NOSH) has a certification program for SCAB that are intended to be used in chemical, biological, radio logical, and nuclear (CORN) environments.

Any SCAB supplied for use in Europe must comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment Directive (89/686/EEC). In practice this usually means that the SCAB must comply with the requirements of the European Standard EN 137:2006. This includes detailed requirements for the performance of the SCAB, the marking required, and the information to be provided to the user. Two classes of SCAB are recognized, Type 1 for industrial use and Type 2 for firefighting. Any SCAB conforming to this standard will have been verified to reliably operate and protect the user from -30 °C to +60 °C under a wide range of severe simulated operational conditions

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